Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

A data professional’s survival toolkit

Stella Cherotich
5 min readApr 9, 2024


If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve grappled with imposter sydrome in your data career. As a fellow data professional, I’ve faced this challenge head-on throughout my journey. It’s led me through moments of self-doubt and insecurity, but also to discover strategies that have empowered me to manage imposter syndrome and regain control of my professional life.

My struggle with imposter syndrome

In my career, imposter syndrome has often felt like an insurmountable obstacle. I recall moments when I doubted my ability to achieve my goals or pursue new ventures. It pushed me towards self-sabotage, questioning whether I truly had the skills and capacity to succeed. Each new project or opportunity was met with a wave of anxiety, fearing exposure as a fraud.

It wasn’t just fear of failure; it was also fear of success. The prospect of recognition for my achievements filled me with dread, worrying I wouldn’t measure up to expectations. It became a constant battle between the desire to excel and the fear of being exposed as inadequate, leading me to retreat into hiding.

Recognizing my worth

You know, it’s funny how we often overlook our accomplishments, right? I mean, I was guilty of that myself. It wasn’t until I took a step back and looked at what I’d achieved that I started to see my true worth.

I realized that every little thing I’d done, every late-night debugging session, every deep dive into datasets — they all added up to something big. They gave me these incredible skills and insights that I hadn’t even realized I had.

So, I made a deal with myself, enough was enough: no more brushing off my achievements, no matter how small they seemed. Whether it was nailing a tricky SQL query or delivering a killer data-driven presentation, I started celebrating every win. And you know what? It made a world of difference. Those little victories reminded me of just how capable I am, boosting my confidence and driving me to keep pushing forward. It affirmed that I did have space to thrive, grow, and make my mark in the world of data.

Embracing imperfection

You know, I used to be a serial perfectionist. I wanted every analysis, and every presentation to be flawless. But guess what? That mindset only fueled my imposter syndrome. I remember one time I was working on this project, and I spent hours trying to get every little detail just right. But no matter how hard I tried, it never felt good enough. I was stuck in what they call a fixed mindset — always striving for perfection and feeling like a failure when I fell short.

But then, I came across this quote that stuck with me:

“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.”

It got me thinking — maybe making mistakes and learning from them is all part of the journey. That’s when I decided to embrace imperfection and adopt a “growth mindset.” Instead of seeing failures as setbacks, I started seeing them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Finding support and guidance

I’ll never forget this one piece of advice:

“Fail fast and fail forward!”

It truly emphasized the significance of resilience and perseverance amidst challenges, reinforcing the idea that our failures often pave the path to success.

Having a tribe of like-minded folks who understood the data world’s ups and downs was a lifesaver. Whether I needed help untangling a complex data problem or just a shoulder to lean on during a rough patch with imposter syndrome, my support system was there for me. Their words of wisdom and pep talks were like a beacon of light during my darkest moments, reminding me that I wasn’t alone in this journey.

Cultivating confidence

Building confidence wasn’t a walk in the park, let me tell you. There was this one time I was working on a data science project, and I hit a roadblock. I was ready to throw in the towel, convinced that I wasn’t cut out for this line of work. But then, I remembered something I’d read about the power of positive self-talk. Instead of telling myself I couldn’t do it, I started repeating these affirmations: “I am capable, I am competent, I am enough.” And you know what? It worked. I pushed through the challenge and came out stronger on the other side.

Celebrating successes

Ah, the sweet taste of success! One of the biggest milestones in my journey was learning to celebrate my wins. Whether it was mastering a new data visualization tool or delivering a killer presentation, I made it a point to acknowledge and relish every achievement. These victories became fuel for my confidence, driving me forward in my career.

I realized that celebrating my successes wasn’t just about patting myself on the back — it was about recognizing the hard work and dedication that got me to where I was. It was about taking a moment to pause and appreciate how far I’d come, despite the hurdles along the way.

The journey continues

Sure, I’ve made strides in conquering imposter syndrome, but let’s not kid ourselves — the journey’s far from over. Doubts still creep in from time to time, but now I face them head-on with resilience and determination. I’ve come to see imposter syndrome not as a weakness, but as a sign of the high standards I set for myself.

I’ve learned to embrace it as a part of my journey, rather than letting it hold me back. It’s a reminder that growth isn’t always linear. But armed with the lessons I’ve learned, I’m ready to take on whatever comes my way.


So, if you’re battling imposter syndrome as a data professional, know this — you’re not alone. It’s a journey many of us have embarked on, filled with challenges and victories alike. But remember, you’ve got what it takes to succeed. Embrace your worth, cultivate your confidence, and celebrate your wins.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or share your experiences in the comments below. I’d love to hear about the strategies that have helped you overcome imposter syndrome in your data career journey.



Stella Cherotich

I like staring into numbers, until it whispers its secrets 🤭 Connect with me on LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/stella-cherotich/